Home Owners, Custom Retirement Home, Scottdale, PA:
“We have been thrilled with his insight and ability to incorporate our ideas in our design. He is a great resource and I would highly recommend his work.” “…Thank you (Rob) for everything you have done to build a beautiful home. We are thrilled with your services and vision.”
Home Owners, Historic Renovation to Bed & Breakfast, Uniontown, PA:
“I posted a request for an architect to evaluate a property I was considering making an offer; Robert responded and we started on our journey. After my first report from him, I knew I had found an architect; Robert gave me thorough evaluation and I bought the building. We have been working thru the different phases and are making progress toward starting work. Robert has never missed an appointment or refused to take time to talk on the phone when I call him. I would recommend him to anyone who wants a caring and concerned architect.”
Home Owners, Passive Solar House, Berlin, PA:
“It was an absolute pleasure to work with Stone Bow Studios on the design of our new Passive Solar Home. We hope to start construction in the spring! Rob has been fantastic and went above and beyond our expectations. We will continue to work with Rob as our supervisor on the project.”
Ford Miller Employment & Training Center, McDowell County Workforce Development Center, Marion, NC:
“… (Rob) handled the task with aplomb, and the results exceeded expectations. Mr. Chenoweth is a patient project manager and designer. … (he) was adept at meeting everyone’s needs and satisfying their competing interests, where possible, practical and appropriate. … (he) calmly responded to each problem in an expeditious and competent manner. … I am confident that you will find Mr. Chenoweth to be a highly skilled and professional architect with dedication to you, your clients and his art.” Const. Owners Rep. for McDowell Tech Community College
Holy Angels Intermediate Care Facilities, Belmont, NC:
During the opening sermonizes of the facilities, I was honored when presented with an engraved plaque given “… for his dedication, commitment to excellence and extra efforts in the development and construction or our Intermediate Care Facilities for Children and Adults with Developmental Disabilities.” Regina Moody, Director Holy Angels
“… (Robert is) a conscientious, efficient and competent team player who was always willing to go the extra mile …”
Director of Independent Studies, Rockbridge County High School:
“Rob is a role model for his students and colleagues. He is the first to go that extra mile … and he inspires others to do the same. He is a creative problem solver who is not easily discouraged and whose ‘can do attitude’ is contagious.”
Career & Technical Education Director, Rockbridge County High School:
“…(Rob) has built an exemplary program. Not only did he teach the fundamentals of CAD, but also took the students to a higher level- problem solving and project construction.
Navy Achievement Medal, Professional Achievement, LtCol USMCR:
“…in the superior performance of duties… exceptional professional ability, initiative and loyal devotion to duty reflected great credit upon himself and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the Marine Corp”